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He’s Not Fat, He’s Just Fluffy | Helping Your Overweight Pet

Pets come in all shapes and sizes. Some are bigger, some are shorter, and some are just… rounder. If you are reading this, then you may have a friend (cough, cough) who might be concerned their pet is a little overweight. Maybe your friend’s vet has mentioned they are also concerned about their pet’s weight and advised that they should think about slimming down. No judgement here. But where should pet parents start when thinking about this somewhat overwhelming and common issue? Whatever the reason, the first step when thinking about weight management is to talk honestly with your veterinarian about the signs your pet is heavier than their ideal weight. You can then make a plan to move them gently toward a weight that’s better for them in the long term. Because every pet is a little different, diagnosing a dog or cat as overweight is best done by your veterinarian, who routinely takes body condition, breed, clinical experience, the pet’s historical weight, and physical exam findings into consideration.

Signs Your Pet Might be Overweight

Without getting into specific breed characteristics, there are a few key physical traits that can give you a rough idea about your pet’s body condition. They are: prominence of their ribs, side-view shape of their belly, and the shape of their midsection when viewed from above. Your pet’s ribs should be easy to feel without pressing too hard, but not so prominent they can be individually seen from far away. When viewed from the side, your pet should have a triangular shape to their abdomen as it moves from the end of their ribs to the beginning of their hind legs. Looking from above, there should be a gently sloping hourglass shape to his or her waist that’s easily seen but not extreme. Please note that these are very general guidelines, and many breeds can be at an ideal weight even if they don’t conform to these descriptions.

Risks of Excess Weight

When pets carry extra fat, they also carry extra risk for health challenges as they progress through life. Cats are prone to type II diabetes, urinary system problems, liver problems, personal hygiene troubles, and mobility challenges associated with extra pressure on their bones and joints. Dogs are particularly prone to orthopedic problems since their skeleton is carrying around those extra pounds. Dogs are also more at risk for overheating and breathing problems than slimmer pets. In addition, that extra fat tissue can make diagnosing certain diseases and undergoing surgery more complicated for both dogs and cats. Over the years, there’s also been a debate if long-term obesity is associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer. This is a very complicated topic though since genetics, environment, breed, and many other unknown factors also play a role in risk levels for cancer.

How do I Weigh My Pet

It is easier said than done. Cats are wiggly and some dogs are stubborn. To expect them to stand on a scale is not realistic. There are some simple tips that we can suggest to get an accurate weight of your pet. If you have a scale at home and can safely lift your pet, try weighing them by weighing yourself with and without your pet on your bathroom scale. First, weigh yourself alone. Then pick up your pet and step on the scale together. Simply subtract your weight from your combined weights to get your pet’s weight. If being held is not your pet’s idea of a good time, try weighing your pet in a pet carrier and subtracting the weight of the carrier to get your pet’s weight. If this idea works, write down the weight of the carrier and any comfort items inside to speed up the process next time. If your pet is too large, too small, or too stressed for the at-home weighing method above, consider stopping by your vet’s office to use one of their special scales. This is also a great way to help reduce vet visit anxiety as your pet will associate the vet’s office with these fun outings to get weighed.

How Can I Help with My Pet’s Weight

As our loving family members, we want to see our pets excel and live long, healthy lives. We will go through great lengths to help them. There are some simple things you can do to help your pet to reach an ideal weight:

1. Regularly Track Your Pet’s Weight

Start a journal by recording the food, treats, and supplements your pet consumes each day. This will  help you identify where extra calories might be sneaking in. Measuring any food or treats prior to feeding will make your journal more accurate.

2. Discover Indoor Activities

There are a million ways to exercise a dog (or leashed cat) outdoors, but as the weather turns frigid, you may need to consider indoor activities too. For your dog, create a fun obstacle course, in your house. and challenge your pup to work through it. Cats are known for laying around the house. They may move from sunny spot to sunny spot, but their efforts don’t burn much in the way of calories. By stimulating a cat’s mind, you can keep them engaged and more active than they typically are. Consider building a treat (or dry kibble) puzzle for them out of common items from your home. By dispensing their food slowly to them and engaging them in play, you will build some activity into their day.

3. Seek Advice from an Experienced Pet Nutritionists

At all of our centers, nation-wide, we serve Freely kibble to our canine and feline guests. Freely is dedicated to supporting pet parents with all nutrition related concerns that impact our pet’s weight. With their experienced nutrition team, they are committed to total transparency about the protein, fiber, fat and nutrient contents of their foods. They can help you decide not only which Freely recipe is right for your pet, but how much food is the right amount to include when building your pet’s bowl. If their recipes are not the right option for your pet, they promise to give you honest recommendations for other options.


As you care for your pet, remember that maintaining a healthy weight is important to his health and overall well-being. Work with your veterinarian to determine an ideal weight for your pet and be diligent about tracking and monitoring his weight. By keeping your pet engaged, indoors and outdoors, you can promote an active lifestyle. Just as your pet didn’t become overweight overnight, the road to weight loss will take time. You’re on the right track!   About: Written with permission and use of blogs from

Top 7 Cat Needs

Often referred to as “finicky felines” our cat’s needs are sometimes a bit of a mystery. They let us know when they are hungry, when they want to play and when they want to be left alone. But, what do cats really need? With the help of our Veterinary Expert and Consultant, Dr. Sharon Davis, DVM we would like to share our list of the Top 7 Cat Needs.

1. Food and Water (of course!)

Every cat needs proper nutrition and access to fresh water daily. Nutritional needs of your cat depends on its life stage and any underlying medical conditions. Work with your veterinarian to
ensure your cat is getting the proper nutrition.

2. A Safe Place

Cats need a safe place to hide and destress if needed. A stressed cat can lead to urination in inappropriate places and over self grooming. It doesn’t have to be any place fancy. Some cats
just prefer a simple cardboard box. It is important that this is their space where they won’t feel intruded upon by the dogs or small humans.

3. Play Time with You

Cats need some engagement with their owners. It can be chasing a laser pointer or a stuffed mouse. Some cats can even learn to fetch. This is important bonding time for you and your cat as well as it allows your cat to get some exercise.

4. Alone Play Time

Just as kids needs some alone play time, so do cats. Cats are naturally curious and giving them some alone time allows them the freedom of mental stimulation and to do as they choose. Who are we kidding cats always do what they want!

5. Veterinary Care

Lots of people feel cats are low maintenance and therefore don’t require routine veterinary care. But proper proactive veterinary care is essential to preventing and catching illness early, ensuring you have many more healthy, active years with your furry friend.

6. A Scratching Post

Start early directing your cat where you would like him or her to scratch. This can be done by putting some cat nip in this area. Providing an approved scratching post, or comparable scratch toy/box, can prevent unwanted destruction of furniture later.

7. A Clean Litter Box

It is important to provide clean liter boxes for your cat to use for elimination. Some cats will choose to eliminate outside of the box if it is too dirty so it is important to periodically scoop them. A good rule of thumb is to have one more liter box than the number of cats that live in the home. So if you have 3 cats, you should have 4 liter boxes.

Your cat may lead a life of mystery, but certainly has seven basic needs. When these needs are met, you both can enjoy a happy life together.

Summer Pet Safety Checklist

As you and your pets enjoy all the fun and relaxation summer has to offer, we want to help you ensure your pet’s safety this summer with our Summer Pet Safety Checklist – brought to you by Best Friends Pet Hotel’s Veterinary Expert and Consultant, Dr. Sharon Davis, DVM.

1. Make sure your pet stays hydrated.

dog drinking water Your pet should have an unlimited supply of clean, fresh water at all times but especially in the summer. A pet, who does not, could seek other water sources like a puddle or pond that can contain deadly viruses like leptospirosis or toxic blue green alga.

2. Make sure the ground is not too hot for your pet’s paws before walking or playing.

dog giving paw to human If it is uncomfortable for you to walk barefoot on the asphalt, it is also uncomfortable for your pet. If you must walk your pet on concrete or asphalt during the summer, make sure it is early in the morning or at dusk when the surface is cooler. Before you go, try the five second rule. Apply the back of your hand to the surface you will be walking your pet on, if it is too uncomfortable for you to hold the back of your hand firmly against it for 5 seconds, then it’s too hot for your pet. This also applies to the concrete around your pool. If you notice your dog limping, then check the pads of the feet. If you see the skin peeling off or lifting up, please seek veterinary assistance.

3. Invest in a doggy life vest.

10 Summer Dog Safety Tips - To Beat The Heat Speaking of pools and water. It is a great way for your pet to cool off but believe it or not, not all dogs can swim. It is good to have a properly fitting doggy life vest on your dog around the pool and especially when boating. It can literally save a life.

4. Protect your pet from fleas and ticks.

cute dog laying on trail in forest Parasites!! Yeah, I said it! No one is a fan of fleas and ticks. Not only do they spread disease to you and your pets but also can causing itching, rashes and sores. Being on the offense is better here. Make sure you use flea and tick prevention for your pet year round. You will thank me later.

5. Protect your pet from mosquitos.

Let’s not forget our friend the mosquito. Mosquitoes transmit heart worm disease to your dog. Again being on the offense here is best medicine. Please use heartworm prevention on your pet year round. There are also products for dogs that will repel mosquitoes but that doesn’t mean you should forgo the heartworm prevention medication. It is just an added layer of protection.

6. Protect your pet from flies.

Since we are on an insect role, let’s talk about fly strike. Yes, I know it’s ugly. This is when your dog enjoys spending lots of time outside and those nasty biting flies start biting and sucking blood from your dog usually at the tip of ears causing crusts, scabs and oozing sores. Again prevention is the best medicine. If it’s fly biting season, keep your pets indoors as much as possible. There are also pet approved medications you can apply to your dog to deter the insects from biting.

7. Protect your pet from maggots.

Unfortunately, what comes after flies are maggots. Yes, you read that correctly. Flies lay these eggs in the wound of skin. When they hatch, they are maggots that feed off your pet and can cause an extensive life threatening infection. This frequently happens in long hair dogs who are accumulating feces on their fur usually because they are having bouts of diarrhea. If your pet is having loose stools, seek veterinary assistance and don’t leave your pet outside.

8. Don’t shave your pet for the summer.

dog bath soap bubbles on head Speaking of long hair, do not shave your pet! Yes your pet needs to be groomed to prevent matts, knots and sores but it does not need to be shaved to keep it cool in the summer. It is important to make sure your pet is brushed out by summer so that thick undercoat naturally sheds allowing your pet to keep its hair and remain cool. Pets fur/hair also protects it from the sun. Without this protection, your dog is susceptible to sun burns. What comes after sun burn? Skin cancer. No one wants that. Once again, prevention is key.

9. Protect your pet against heatstroke.

teenage boy with adopted dog Last but not least, heatstroke. The older or younger your pet, the more susceptible it is to heatstroke. Pets need to be provided an environment that allows them to get cool. Pets will naturally seek out a cooler place if they are feeling too warm, like digging that hole in the cool dirt under a tree to lie in. Never, ever leave your pet in a bright sunny location for extended period of time. Equally important NEVER leave your dog in a car during even a warm day, let alone hot, no matter how short of time – even if the windows are cracked. two dogs in backseat of car The temperature inside a car dramatically elevates within a couple of minutes causing a life threatening environment for your pet. vehicle temperatures for dogs It is better just to leave Fido at home if you need to run errands that he can’t go inside with you.

So get out and enjoy the summer months with your pet. Just remember prevention is the best medicine.

pet dad with dog playing fetch on beach

Microchipping Your Pets

dog lost in woods, microchip

Enhancing Pet Safety with Microchipping

Losing a pet can be distressing, whether your cat slips out and vanishes or your dog escapes from their collar and ventures into the wilderness. In these trying moments, you exert every effort to retrieve them, but their speed and determination often thwart your endeavors. The anxiety of a safe return grips you. Fortunately, microchipping is a valuable resource that can significantly increase your chances of reuniting with your beloved companion.

Microchipping emerges as a pivotal step to enhance pet safety, especially as the weather beckons pets outdoors. If your pet is not yet microchipped, delving into the procedure and coming to a scheduled VIP Petcare clinic, at your local Best Friends Pet Hotel, is a proactive measure.

Understanding Microchips

A microchip, a diminutive device akin to a grain of rice, is gently implanted beneath your pet’s skin. This minuscule marvel houses a unique identifier linked to your comprehensive contact information, securely stored in a database.

microchip, dog, cat


Microchip Implantation

microchip implanted, injection, dog, veterinarian

The process of implanting a microchip is straightforward and minimally invasive, often administered during a VIP Petcare clinic visit. Remarkably, anesthesia is not required. A state-licensed VIP Petcare veterinarian employs a hypodermic needle, akin to those used for vaccinations, to insert the microchip beneath your pet’s skin, typically between the shoulder blades. While your pet may experience a fleeting moment of discomfort, it is a small price to pay compared to the heartache of permanent separation.

Cost of Microchipping

VIP Petcare offers microchipping services at a reasonable cost of no more than $35, contingent on your location. Notably, this expense includes lifetime registration, sparing you from additional charges for storing your pet’s crucial data.

Reunification through Microchips

veterinarian checking chip under pet's / dog's skin

In the unfortunate event of your pet’s disappearance, animal shelters, rescue organizations, or veterinary facilities can swiftly locate the microchip using a scanner. With a quick wave of the scanner over your pet, it reads the chip’s frequency and reveals the unique ID number assigned to your pet. This invaluable information serves as a direct line to you, facilitating a swift reunion with your treasured companion. In fact, pets with microchips stand twice the chance of returning home if they are dogs, and over 20 times if they are cats.

However, having a microchipped pet is only part of the equation. Regularly verifying and updating your contact information in the database, accessible at, is essential to ensure accuracy.

Empower yourself as a responsible pet owner by visiting an upcoming VIP Petcare clinic to have your pet microchipped. Your proactive step today could be the key to a joyful reunion tomorrow.

microchipping, cat, home

Come to an upcoming VIP Petcare clinic, and get your pet microchipped!

How to Prevent Heartworm Disease in Dogs and Cats

Heartworm disease in pets, as the name suggests, involves the infestation of the heart and pulmonary arteries by parasitic worms.

heartworm disease pets

Mosquitoes serve as the carriers responsible for transmitting this disease. It’s a sobering fact that no dog or cat is immune to heartworm disease, and infections have been documented in all 50 states. While mosquitoes tend to be more prevalent during the spring and summer, the risk of heartworm infection lingers throughout the year. Remarkably, it takes just a single mosquito bite from an infected carrier to transmit this perilous ailment to your pet. Although heartworm disease primarily affects dogs, its consequences are much more dire for feline companions. Heartworm disease can incite illness and, in severe cases, result in fatality.

The heartening news is that this disease is nearly 100% preventable!

heartworm disease dog cat

In dogs, heartworms take residence within the heart and its adjacent blood vessels, causing tissue damage that culminates in heart failure and pulmonary issues. In certain instances, these worms can obstruct significant blood vessels, leading to complications in other organs. Untreated, severe cases of heartworm disease can prove fatal. Signs of heartworm disease in dogs manifest as persistent coughing, fatigue, lethargy, labored breathing, weight loss, and abdominal distention.

While cats are less susceptible to heartworm infection, their systems exhibit heightened sensitivity to the disease. Even a minor infection can trigger severe illness or death. Cats afflicted by heartworm disease may display symptoms like coughing, gagging, respiratory distress, lethargy, weight loss, and, in some cases, sudden death.

Prompt veterinary attention is imperative if you notice any of these signs in your pet. However, it’s worth noting that heartworm disease can often progress without any observable clinical symptoms, underscoring the critical role of prevention and regular screening.

While heartworm disease is a formidable adversary, safeguarding your pet from it entails two straightforward steps:

Step 1: Pet Testing

heartworm blood test cat

Commence the defense against heartworm disease by subjecting your pet to testing. A simple blood test can determine whether your pet has been exposed to heartworm infection. If the test returns a positive result, your veterinarian may recommend further diagnostics, such as radiographs or ultrasound, to assess the extent of the disease.

Attend an Upcoming VIP Petcare clinic to conduct a heartworm test.

Step 2: Administer Preventative Medication

heartworm preventative medicine chews dog

The next phase of protection against heartworm disease involves the administration of preventative medication. Your veterinarian will customize the most suitable oral, topical, or injectable preventative for your pet. Many of these medications also offer protection against intestinal parasites. In most instances, year-round medication is advisable to ensure comprehensive protection.

What happens if your pet tests positive for heartworm infection?

Unfortunately, no safe cure exists for infected cats due to the severe side effects, such as blood clots, associated with treatment. Cats, in such cases, typically receive supportive care involving cage rest, oxygen therapy, and steroids. However, some instances of feline heartworm disease may naturally resolve.

For dogs, recent years have seen the emergence of safer and more effective products to combat heartworm infection. Nevertheless, the treatment process can provoke side effects, emphasizing the importance of follow-up veterinary visits and close monitoring.

Explore heartworm testing for your pet at our monthly VIP Petcare clinics conducted by state-licensed veterinarians. Consult your VIP Petcare veterinarians to learn how they can help fortify your pet’s protection.

Pet Vaccinations: Common Questions Answered by Our Trusted Veterinarian

Answers to commonly asked questions regarding pet vaccinations provided by Dr. Sharon Davis, DVM and in partnership with VIP Petcare.

pet vaccination

Best Friends Pet Hotel proudly provides a monthly veterinary clinic service in collaboration with VIP Petcare at select locations. This initiative aligns with our steadfast commitment to delivering top-tier pet care services for our cherished pets and their devoted owners. The VIP Petcare clinics offer a convenient and cost-effective means to ensure the ongoing health and well-being of your beloved companion animals by maintaining their vaccination schedules.

In an effort to offer valuable insights into this vital aspect of pet care, we engaged in an enlightening conversation with Dr. Sharon Davis, DVM, our respected Veterinarian Consultant. In this discussion, Dr. Davis shares her expert advice addressing crucial questions related to the subject of pet vaccinations.

1. Why are vaccinations so important?

The importance of vaccinations in safeguarding the health of your pet and other animals cannot be overstated. Vaccinations play a pivotal role in shielding them from a spectrum of potentially life-threatening diseases. Moreover, the financial burden of vaccinating your pet pales in comparison to the exorbitant costs associated with treating a diseased pet. This proactive measure not only averts unnecessary suffering for your pet but also offers peace of mind for your entire family. Legal mandates, such as the requirement for rabies vaccination, underscore the societal and public health dimension of this practice, as certain diseases are zoonotic and can be transmitted from pets to humans if your unvaccinated pet were to contract them.

2. How do vaccines work?

Vaccines operate by introducing specific components of the target virus to the immune system, thereby priming it to mount a defense. This process allows the immune system to generate antibodies against the virus, although it is essential to note that this response is not immediate; it takes a few weeks for the body to develop these antibodies. Subsequently, if your pet encounters the actual virus, its immune system will promptly recognize the threat and dispatch these antibodies to neutralize the invader before it can infiltrate cells and incite disease.


vet cat vaccination

3. What annual vaccinations do you recommend to pet parents?

The selection of annual vaccinations for your pet is contingent upon a careful consideration of both your and your pet’s lifestyle. Factors such as whether your pet frequents boarding facilities, embarks on woodland adventures, resides in a high-rise apartment with indoor potty pad usage, or serves as a hunting companion all play a pivotal role in determining the most suitable vaccinations. Your trusted veterinarian is an invaluable resource in offering personalized guidance on the vaccinations that best align with your pet’s unique lifestyle.

4. How often should I vaccinate my pet?

The frequency of vaccinations is contingent upon a multitude of factors, including manufacturer guidelines, state regulations, and the evolving lifestyle of your pet. As your pet matures, his needs may evolve, and certain vaccinations that were once essential may no longer be required. State laws governing vaccination intervals can also undergo revisions, with some mandating annual rabies vaccines while others extend the interval to three years. Your veterinarian is adept at tailoring a vaccination schedule to your pet’s specific requirements and your individual circumstances.

5. What happens if I miss a vaccination?

Neglecting a scheduled vaccination leaves your pet vulnerable to the very diseases vaccination aims to prevent. Maintaining up-to-date vaccinations is paramount to your pet’s health. Depending on the duration of the lapse, a missed vaccination may necessitate restarting the vaccination series to ensure your pet’s proper protection. Your veterinarian is well-equipped to provide guidance on rectifying any vaccination gaps.

6. How do I know if my cat or dog is having a bad reaction to a vaccine?

Vaccine reactions, though relatively rare, can occur at any point, particularly when introducing a new vaccination. Vigilance is crucial. It is advisable to monitor your pet for telltale signs of a reaction, such as facial swelling, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, or respiratory distress. If any of these symptoms manifest, prompt veterinary attention is imperative.

7. Are there recommendations for puppies or kittens as it relates to vaccines?

Newborn puppies and kittens inherit a degree of passive immunity from their mothers through placental transfer and colostrum during birth. This passive immunity diminishes over time, necessitating a series of vaccinations to bolster their nascent immune systems as maternal protection wanes. The specific vaccines required for your puppy or kitten are contingent upon their individual lifestyle and risk factors.

puppies kittens


8. As it relates to finding a place to vaccinate my pet, what types of things should I look for?

When seeking a location for pet vaccination, it is crucial to prioritize clinics that not only administer vaccines but also conduct thorough examinations. There are instances where underlying medical conditions may contraindicate vaccination, and these issues must be addressed prior to vaccination. Select a venue that you trust, and where open communication with the staff is encouraged, ensuring the best care for your beloved companion.


To learn more about veterinary care and monthly vet clinics (in partnership with VIP Petcare) at your local Best Friends Pet Hotel, visit our Vet Care webpage. Or call your local center with any additional questions.

Holiday Pet Parent Tips

By Jessica Neal, Nutrition Center Manager, Freely Pet

pets dog cat holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration, decorations, big meals, and temptation galore. This is true not just for humans but for our four-legged family members too.

As you plan this holiday season, the Freely Nutrition Center is here for you with important tips on keeping your pets safe, happy, and healthy.

Freely Nutrition Center


What kind of plans should I make for my pets during the holidays?

dog pet parent holidays
This holiday season is likely to look a bit different for everyone this year. When making your plans, be sure to include your favorite furry family member!

If you are planning to travel or expect to be out and about, lock in those boarding or doggy day camp reservations at your Best Friends Pet Hotel location. Those spots can fill up quickly!

If you are staying home this year, plan to include your pets in the celebrations. This may mean adjusting the celebration to stick to your pet’s schedule but having them near will bring you all closer together.

This is also a great time to check the hours of operation for important contacts, like your vet. It’s nice to have some extra peace of mind knowing your pet’s care team is accessible when you already have so much on your plate (quite literally!).


We are planning a big holiday meal! Can my pet have some?

dog holidays food

Holiday food is often decadent and full of flavor, so it’s tempting to sneak a little something to your furry family member under the table. But these tasty morsels can cause unintended tummy troubles (and add to their waistline).

Only 10% of your pet’s daily calories should come from treats, toppers, and extras. Yep, even during the holidays.

Don’t leave the turkey or pies unattended on the counter or you might come back to find them missing and your pet with a full belly.

Your pets are not always as trustworthy as they are cute in the face of temptation, especially with the added distractions around your home.

PS: Try one of Freely’s bone broths for a lower calorie alternative treat!


I’m not sure how my pet will handle having my family around. What can I do to help?

dog playing brain teaser toy

While the holidays are a time of celebration, they can be taxing on pets and humans alike!

Consider adding a stress-busting play session, especially with a brain-teasing toy, to release some pent-up physical and mental energy before the festivities begin.

Another great idea is to add a few extra training sessions on the morning of the big day.

Puppies will be ready for a nap after a brain workout with obedience lessons or trick training!

Both are great ways to bond with your pet.

Even with some stress reduction measures, your pet might still become overwhelmed. Ensure your pet has a quiet place to relax away from the excitement and keep an eye on doors that an escape artist might use to dart away from the action.


My pet is acting really different during the celebration. What is going on?

dog holidays deer antlers

Many of us added new pets to our family in the past year. Even though they have settled in and become comfortable in our homes, the excitement of the holidays is a new, often overwhelming, experience for them.

Don’t worry if your normally outgoing pet becomes more reserved during the holiday season or your extra nervous pets are a bit shy around dinner time. With a little patience, they will be happy to spend the evening recouping with you after a long day of celebration.


I want my house to look festive but are the decorations dangerous for my pet?

cat holidays

Think twice about what you use to decorate your house and where you place holiday décor.

Pets observe with their mouths rather than their eyes, and sampling ribbon, tinsel, potpourri, or water in tree stands can be dangerous.

Although poinsettias are not quite as dangerous as previously believed, it is best to keep them, and other more poisonous plants like mistletoe and holly, away from pets.

And remember that other favorite people foods, such as chocolate and eggnog, can also be toxic treats.

Decorations, like trees and candles, can pose more physical dangers to your pet.

Your cat might find climbing your Christmas tree to be a fun activity, but it’s a party-pooper if it falls over and injures someone!

Candles and fireplaces should also be monitored to keep pets at a safe distance away.


We adopted a new pet this year! What can we do to really make them part of the family?

dog holiday festivities traditions

The holidays are a time of traditions and spending time together. Why not try making a new tradition with your pet?

An evening walk to check out the neighborhood decorations is a way to incorporate your puppy into the festivities.

A fort-building contest with spare boxes will give your kitty a place to play and a new experience to keep their minds busy.

These can become cherished activities, and you and your pet can look forward to them each year!


Still have questions? The Freely Nutrition Center has answers!

The Freely Nutrition Center wants to help you find the right food for your cat or dog and answer any questions you have about your pet’s diet and nutritional needs. Simply call (833-918-1236), email ( or live chat ( with their experts.

And as a loyal guest of Best Friends Pet Hotel, when you contact them this Holiday season, they’ll send you a FREE small bag of Freely kibble! Just mention this blog post during your free consultation.



About the Author:

Jessica Neal is the Nutrition Center Manager at Freely Pet. She has a Master’s Degree in Animal Science with an emphasis in Genomics and Bioinformatics. She’s also a devoted pet parent to Atlas, her outgoing, sweet, and silly dog, Peabody, her loveable rescue cat, and Divine, her beautiful, hardworking quarter horse. While Jessica has studied in several fields, her true passion is small animal nutrition, and she is excited to connect with pet parents like you to help you navigate your pet’s nutritional journey.

Top 3 Reasons To Foster A Shelter Pet

By Christine A. Bournias

dog with pet foster

What Is Pet Fostering?

The sad reality is that shelters are overcrowded and simply cannot host the volume of furry bodies in need. Fostering is a way to provide temporary care and/or housing for these animals that need to live in a home environment prior to adoption.

By no fault of their own, most often animals are hurt or have serious illnesses that can’t be overcome. Some have insurmountable surgeries that can’t be performed because the animal is too far gone or too old for critical care. These animals, especially senior animals, often are misplaced and are much more difficult to place.

dog back sitting in park on leash

Worse, certain animals are often discriminated against based on their appearance. Unfortunately, the Black Dog Syndrome is real and common amongst shelters. It comes down to which animals have a better chance of adoption. While the numbers are improving, black dogs and cats are more difficult to adopt.

October 1 is National Black Dog Day! “A 1998 study of 1,468 dogs offered for adoption at a local Humane Society did find that dogs with black fur were a factor in whether they got adopted. However, at the same time in 2008, the general manager of the Los Angeles Animal Services found that in a 12-month period covering 30,046 dogs, slightly more dogs that were completely or predominantly black were adopted than dogs that were not. And these two aren’t the only contradictory studies.” —, Why Black Dogs Are Less Likely To Be Adopted

Many rescue organizations that don’t have a brick and mortar building in order to host the volume of animals that need shelter are typically run by Foster Pet Parents alone.

Fostering is ideal for some people, but not so much for others. Nonetheless, you must be prepared for all the responsibilities that go along with caring for different animals that may not be your first pick.

man with cat closeup

Why Do Rescue Organizations Need You To Foster?

Global animal welfare organizations need to relieve overcrowding and place needy animals in permanent forever homes.

And foster homes are in dire need.

When an animal is given the chance to live in a temporary, yet safe and supportive sanctuary, their chances for adoption increase exponentially.

This mission of any shelter is for needy animals to live out their lives in a forever home.

Due to the 2020 pandemic , many shelters hastened their efforts to ‘clear the shelters.’ While that sounds good in theory, it’s more important than ever to make sure these animals remain in loving homes.

Fostering or adopting a pet during time “at home” is wonderful. But as you transition back to your life as you know it—and return back to their semi-regular schedule—make sure that you’re fostering for the betterment of the animal.

Always stay just as committed to your furry companion through any unexpected life circumstances. Foster because you’re truly able to do it, not because you’re ‘bored.’.

Scenarios That Call For Temporary Homes:

  • An animal that suffers from anxiety of shelter stress, especially animals that need extra attention. As they await permanent residence in a foster home, their stress diminishes and they become better acclimated to the life of everyday human home life.
  • Abandoned, neglected, or abused animals benefit from a healthy human bond
  • Disabled, ill, injured, or senior animals that need dedicated medical attention
  • Animals in need of socialization and training for a family environment
  • People who suffer an area emergency or disaster. Animals displaced due to natural disasters are often awaiting reunion with their families. As these families work to re-establish their lives, they rely heavily on pet fosters.
  • Nursing cats and dogs
  • Young kittens and puppies that are too young to be adopted

dog near window with sun shining in

A Shelter Has A Responsibility To Their Animals

Just because you’re fostering, doesn’t mean it’s not as serious as adopting.

Look to an organization that will match animals with homes that best fit the needs of both the animal and the pet foster’s lifestyle. A reputable rescue organization will conduct a thorough vetting process and will find unique ways to save lives and ensure a successful fostering experience.

What An Organization Looks For In A Foster Pet Parent:

  • High level of commitment
  • Serious ONLY applicants
  • Financial security
  • Animal experience
  • Patience and understanding of shelter’s thorough vetting process

To minimize potential disharmony, shelter experts recommend keeping foster pets and their existing furry companions apart at certain times.When it comes to acknowledging an existing household environment, experienced Foster Pet Parents make sure to have a balance between moderate separation and proper socialization. For example, Foster Pet Parents may walk their own dogs together, but will chose to separate them for playtime and meals.

woman holding dog

A Foster Family Has A Responsibility To A Shelter Animal

Just like searching for the perfect adoptee for the animal’s forever home, a reputable rescue organization will also seek out an ideal candidate for pet fostering as well.

The organization who arranges your fostering journey should provide proper information about the animal you’re about to foster. Inquiry about your shelter pet’s entire medical history and temperament before bringing the shelter animal to meet the rest of the family—including other fur family members is a must.

boy with dog on yellow sofa

Make sure that the rescue organization is straightforward with you on either a clean bill of health or other pre-existing concerns that the shelter animal may have. If your animal is sick from the beginning, know what you’re getting yourself into.

The rescue or shelter needs to tell you any and all conditions upfront. Be sure that you have access and disclosure as to the animals health history, as well as their complete Veterinarian’s directives.

You’ll be assigned to take your foster to their Veterinarian visits with medical expenses covered by the organization. In order to increase their adoption chances, you’ll be asked to attend adoption events with your foster pet

When it comes to essential supplies, training, and special needs, there’s typically a pivot contact person from the shelter. That contact person should be able to provide you access to proper veterinary care or health & wellness clinics, as well as a 24-hour emergency number, should a problem arise.

vet with cat

Do YOU Have The Right Stuff To Foster?

Not certain you have what it takes to foster a shelter animal? While fostering is a heroic gesture, it isn’t the right choice for all. Therefore, it’s important to make a wise and foresighted decision.

A Foster Pet Parent has a vital role to play in this animal’s life. Fostering a shelter pet shouldn’t be taken lightly. Fosters are essential for the health and well-being of the animal.

As a temporary guardian to a dog or cat in need, Foster Pet Parents are the animal’s advocate. You represent them to the public and are their voice.

Why NOT you?

dog bandaged paw

How Do You Foster Without Falling In Love?

The rescue organization has approached you with the idea of fostering an animal from the rescue organization you support. Now what?

Remember, if you foster an animal, don’t think you won’t fall in love with them. You do fall in love. But, you’re fostering shelter animals to save lives.

“Fostering provides a great way for shelter animals to transition to a new home. When an animal in need receives the opportunity to live in a home environment, the fostering experience teaches the animal basic house manners, as well as the chance to socialize with people and other animals. It’s your opportunity to help animals without a long term commitment.” —Nicole A.

Fostering is one of the most unselfish things you can do for the love of an animal in need.

Foster = Love

Shelter animals usually find you, not the other way around. You have to decide if fostering a shelter animal is for you. Is it the right timing in your life—and do you have the resilience to do so?

woman with dog at park

What It Takes To Foster

Inner strength.

People will impose their beliefs on you and tell you that they just could never foster. Don’t let their own weaknesses deter you.

Be prepared, they’ll ask these questions:

  • “Why do you foster? (I couldn’t do it.)”
  • “How can you be a Foster Pet Parent without getting attached?”
  • “Doesn’t it hurt when you have to say good-bye?”

You got this.

Answer: Fostering gives a shelter pet a chance to know what true love is.

Here’s the reality: Fosters save lives. And shelters need you.

Characteristics Of A Foster Caregiver:

  • Compassionate
  • Committed
  • Devoted
  • Experienced
  • Gentle
  • Patience
  • Stamina

Be the reason they love humans.

pet adoption family

NOW Could Be Your Opportunity To Foster

You love your community. And you LOVE animals. Maybe it’s finally time to consider making the move to foster an animal in need?

Your philanthropic gestures do not go unnoticed and you’d do anything to save an animal in need. You give your heart and soul to help support your local rescue organizations by donating money—and precious time—to volunteer at the shelters.

Now you’re in the position to do more. It might just be the perfect time to foster a shelter pet.

Fostering an animal is gratifying and rewarding—it saves lives. Opening up your home to foster an animal in need can help the organization free up a spot for another animal in need also.

Most notable, it may provide you with the opportunity to channel the love you have for animals by caregiving for foster pet(s). By fostering, you have the honor of providing encouragement to an animal in their crucial stages of their life’s journey to being adopted.

woman kissing dog

3 Reasons To Be A Foster Pet Parent

1. Offers You The Opportunity To Give Back To Your Community

Can’t adopt just yet? Fostering is an excellent alternative. Helping your community by getting involved in adoption events is a good way to make a difference. Search the Petfinder database for local animal welfare organizations that could benefit from your fostering duties.

“Animal welfare organizations work to place lost, abandoned, abused, and relinquished animals in permanent homes. This helps relieve overcrowding and reduces an animal’s stress by providing a temporary and supportive sanctuary while he awaits permanent adoption.” —Pets For Patriots, The Wet Nose Blog

Contact your local organizations and rescue groups to learn about specific opportunities near you. In fact, Best Friends Pet Hotel is hosting adoption events at Pet Hotels near you.

woman with dog at park

Make Philanthropic Gestures

Fostering a shelter pet is a positive next step toward their forever home. What a better way to give back to your community and to the betterment, health, and well-being of pets in your area.

Follow Neighborhood Rules

Every county and town is different with the amount of animals allowed. Abide by your individual city laws and animal limits per household.

Stay Community Focused

1. Volunteer Where Your Passion Is
2. Help Needy Animals At Your Local Shelter
3. Make A Difference

woman kissing dog

2. Provides More Room In A Shelter

Fostering an animal in need is the most courageous thing you can do. When you foster one shelter animal, that leaves space for another needy animal to be saved.

You’re saving lives when you foster by giving an animal in need a chance at life. In addition, when you foster and you’re unable to own a pet due to lifestyle restrictions, you’ll reap benefits of pet ownership.

Why Animals In Need Benefit From Foster Pet Parents:

    • While animals are awaiting adoption, fostering offers a safe and supportive environment
    • Fostering reduces an animal’s stress by placing them in a comfortable home
    • By fostering, you improve an animal’s chances of obtaining qualified adoption applicants that can lead to adoption
    • When you foster a shelter pet, you have the chance to enhance their adoption potential
    • Many times relatives or friends of Military members don’t have the experience or cannot commit to long-term deployments. Fostering an animal for a military member provides a temporary, safe home to animals that anticipate being reunited with families following an emergency, natural disaster, or military deployment

According to Dog Is My CoPilot”, these two organizations help provide fostering services for deployed service member’s pet:

Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet: Assists active duty deploying military service members, wounded warriors and honorably discharged/disabled veterans with medical/homeless hardship situations to reunite them with their pets following deployments and/or hardships.

Dogs on Deployment : Facilitates an online community to arrange fosters for deployment, family illness. or any other circumstances that render a service member temporarily unable to care for a pet. This online resource was founded by an active duty husband and wife team.

military dog

Steps To Consider When Fostering:

      1. Make sure you’re ready to foster by considering all aspects of your life
      2. Consider other family members and/or household pets
      3. Conduct breed research, animal’s history, and temperament assessment
      4. If applicable, know how and when to separate your foster pet from other family members
      5. Work with a reputable rescue organization
      6. Provide a safe, calm home environment
      7. Keep animals secure with a fence and/or other escape barriers
      8. Communicate with one contact person during the transition and fostering process
      9. Look for transparency on medical health of animal
      10. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

dog giving paw to woman

At Home With Your Foster Pet?

There are several things you can do for your foster pet to have a good temporary home.

Homemade tunnels and obstacle courses and hide and seek sessions can be a wonderful way to provide a positive experience for your shelter pet. Nose tricks and interactive mind games help them stay alert. Interesting mental stimulation outside of a loud shelter is always positve.

Treat your furry friend to a frozen favorite dispensing toy or a spa-like pet massage in order to ease stress and comfort tired muscles. Just for fun, you can bake sticky treats for dogs or make a tuna snack for your cat.

girl reading to dog on bed

Venture Out With Your Foster Pet

Be sure to stay in shape together, enjoy the outdoors, read to them, sing them songs, and go for long walks together. Whether it’s a new direction around the block or a curious sniff and walk, adding adventure to you and your pet’s life is worth the extra energy you will expend.

Jumping through hoops will be new and different for your fostered pet. Also, training courses with a foster dog can be pivotal in their life. Encourage desired behavior and enjoy the process of making mistakes.

dog in grass

Give Them A Good Life: Camp Options

If it’s a dog you’re fostering, seek out your local and trusted Pet Hotel to watch your pets when/if they’re approved to be around other pets. New adventures and Doggy Day Camp offer an unique experience for your foster pet.

Camp benefits your dog’s physical and mental well-being. Remember current vaccinations are required for an interview assessment.

Best Friends Pet Hotel tennis ball
Photo Credit: Best Friends Pet Hotel (Avon)

3. Allows You The Chance To Love Other Pets

Fostering makes you feel needed. It expands the love in your heart. You’re a better person just by knowing another “furry” somebody else. You could be just the person they’re searching for to help them.

Fostering a shelter animal isn’t a replacement for adopting one of your own or filling the void in your heart when you lose your furry family member. It still takes a special person to foster other pets. Remember, your fostered shelter pet is a completely different animal than your own.

Enjoy The Foster Pet For Everything They Are

A foster pet can bring a sense of joy and fresh starts to a family and their future family.

Perhaps you’re still healing through the mourning process of losing a beloved pet? Keep your pet memories alive, but take the time you need to heal. Focus on everything your foster pet is and not what they’re not. Whatever you do, try not to compare the two.

Loving a pet is good for you.

woman with cat's head on shoulder

What Is A “Failed Foster?

Most Foster Pet Parents realize when the time comes to let go. They relinquish the shelter pet to another person for adoption because they recognize it’s in the best long-term interests of the animal to have a permanent home.

Foster Pet Parents are there to shepherd the journey for the animals next stage in life. It gives us a chance to channel our love and passion for what we believe in.

However, some Foster Pet Parents fail.

“Sometimes volunteers become so attached to the animals in their charge that they legally adopt them. This is known as a ‘foster failure’ because the capacity of the volunteer to care for other ‘temporary’ pets is diminished by one.”Pets For Patriots, The Wet Nose Blog

It’s common for fosters who are caring for animals for an extended period of time to develop strong bonds that lead to ‘foster failure.’ Some Foster Pet Parents get too attached to their shelter pets and keep them as their own. This failure situation is acceptable. While they fail the fostering process, they succeed at giving that animal a winning home.

woman hugging big dog

Fostering a shelter animal provides temporary care to those furry friends who benefit from living in a home environment. It’s a terrific way to give a shelter animal a chance, while at the same time enhancing your own life with the responsibility and companionship of an adoring pet.

So, do you have room in your family for one more?

Consider fostering a shelter pet—you could be the best thing that happens to that animal. You might just be that person that’s a lifetime Foster Pet Parent that both your local shelter and community rely on.

Good luck with your decision. We’re here to help.



About The Author:

Christine A. Bournias resides in Michigan with her 2-pack; two new beautiful adopted miracles. As her “Angelwriter”, Nicodemus (1997-2010) is the wisdom behind the stories she shares. Christine champions the magnitude of building the bond between a dog and their person(s) by means of respectful communication and enduring admiration.

Keep Your Pet Memories Alive: The 3 Most Important Things To Do With Them Now

By Christine A. Bournias

dog giving paw to human

Care For Your Pet Like Their Life Depends On It

It’s simple: Give your pets the best life they could ever ask for—NOW, while they’re here with you.

Much like losing a significant human, losing our pets can be devastating. Many people have said that losing a pet is even more intense than human loss. And nobody can compare the degrees of pain felt by an individual person.

woman petting dog

We’re all different.

Fact: If you love your furry friend(s) with all your heart, you will have to say good-bye at some point. Going into this kind of special relationship with your pet—even while knowing this difficult fact—from the get go—is the most unconditional love there can be.

Pet Parents everywhere go into the love affair knowing this reality. Then their love and admiration increases, and the bond between pet and caregiver strengthens. Living in the moment and being as prepared (as you can be) in advance helps ease our mind. But, no matter how much you prepare, loss is never easy.

Pets play a vital role in our daily lives and become a huge part of our families. They lighten up our days and nights during challenging times and keep us healthy. Our pets become our companions, our confidants—our cuddy buddies.

Whether furry, fuzzy, or feathered, the pain of losing a pet is real.

But, let’s first talk about dogs…

dog kissing young girl

There’s Always That One Special Dog

Many of us have felt the pain of losing a precious pal. Your dog becomes a member of the family. Preparation for the inevitable while your pet is still alive is key. Everything that you do for your dog each day adds up to their total quality of life. It’s not just the first week or last week of their life that we remember or think about—it’s all those memories in between.

It’s not the destination. It’s the journey.

Some say that losing your first dog is most difficult, however, we understand that each and every dog you own offers you its very own unique love. Nonetheless, there are just some dogs that make a bigger impact than others.

If this bond is not love, we don’t know what is.

No matter if it’s your first, fourth, or fortieth animal to love and care for, the bond between you two couldn’t be stronger. You love each one of them all in various ways, but as the saying goes, there’s always that one special dog.

Much More Than Love:

  • Admiration
  • Dedication
  • Financial Commitment
  • Medical Attention
  • Patience
  • Resilience
  • Respect
  • Socialization
  • Training
  • Trust

Our companions keep us responsible and remind us to play. You as a Pet Parent have a responsibility to protect and care for your furry friend with all your might.

man dog sofa high five

It’s truly unfair that we typically outlive our beloved furry family members.

There are five common stages of grief that occur when we lose humans – and when we lose animals:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

With the loss of any loved one, profound grief is normal. Grief must be met with an abundance of resilience. Look it straight in the eye and conquer its power over you. TODAY.

Bottom line: We never truly “get over it”, we just simply get through it.

little girl sitting with arm around dog

Caregiver Responsibility: Care For Your Dog Like Their Life Depends On It

Our pets look to us to keep them safe and be their #1 health advocate from the beginning to when it’s time to help them cross over the rainbow bridge.

When you decide to care for a furry friend, make sure you’re ready to accept every stage of your dog’s life—from puppy to adulthood. Look to senior pets for loads of surprises and lots of interesting facts. With knowledge as your power, you can offer your precious pal the care they deserve at all times.

Okay, we understand.

These ideas can’t bring your dog back—nor can they keep them (physically) alive forever. However, they may serve as helpful reminders throughout your dog’s life—and when it’s time, through the grieving process.

By supplying the best life possible for your dog now, you can breathe life into your heart forever.

Keep In Mind: Love Is Not Enough

Paying close attention to details about your furry friend are all part of dog ownership. Regular health & wellness exams, spaying or neutering responsibility, grooming appointments, overall body observations, as well as a keen awareness of any changing signs in your pet, are just a fraction of the responsibility.

Caring for a dog is inside and out—nose to tail.

dog bath soap bubbles on head

Owning A Dog Is Much More Than Love. Do You Have What It Takes?

  • Admiration
  • Dedication
  • Financial Commitment
  • Health & Wellness
  • Medical attention
  • Patience
  • Resilience
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • More Patience

dog at vet clinic

1. Make Memories

Take Pictures

Take lots and lots of pictures of your dog.

A photograph speaks volumes. While a photo of your dog is not the real thing, it can help capture magical moments in your life. Even when you think you’re capturing plenty of photographs, one day you’ll look into that family photo album box and wish you took more shots of your puppy.

taking dog's photo with phone camera

Many pet care hotels offer up holiday costume contests, bubble bashes, and fun photo opportunities for your pet. These pet places are known to take lots and lots of pictures of your furry friend too!

Your dog may not know exactly what’s on the menu of the day, nor do they fully understand party themes, but they do know when kind people and fellow dog friends are giving them the favorable attention they so much crave.

You’ll be glad you took your dog to their favorite Pet Hotel.

Silly — yet safe — activities with your dog all contribute to your sacred vault of memories.

dog pink wig funny photo collage
Photo Credit: Breanna Elizabeth, Best Friends Pet Hotel (Willow Grove)

Make Time

Do fun stuff with your dog.

Spend time that you didn’t think you had. Yes, you must make time. From puppies to senior dogs, provide your pet the opportunity to enjoy their life with you.

guy dog playing fetch stick beach

A good dose of physical exercise and mental stimulation for your dog will allow you both the chance to stay active and healthy.

Perhaps it’s time for your dog to enjoy a new experience, training protocol, or change of scenery? Get outdoors, go for a hike, sit by the lake, plan a puppy picnic, or teach your dog a game of basketball. “Shooting hoops” or jumping through hoops will be new and different for your pal.

Go ahead, drop to the floor, get on all fours and have some fun. What better way possible is there to experience life, than to experience life with your dog?

The Moment Comes But Once

When your dog licks your knee or kisses your hand when you give them a yummy extra snack, don’t push them away. This loving gesture from your dog might be their way of showing you trust, acceptance, and affection.

When they bark, validate what they’re barking about. When they’re whining, get to the core of where the behavior is coming from. Don’t just holler at your dog to be quiet. Identify their needs and tell them “Thank You.” (Now that’s a switch. Try it. It works.)

Try your best to have humor in their every shananigan when your dog runs around the house with a choice article of your clothing hanging from their mouth. Maybe they’re zooming around the room and laughing at you.

Maybe you’re unhappy or impatient with your dog. But, these are the trying times to refocus on your dog and giving them their best life. Their behavior might be your dog’s honest attempt at keeping you close to them. Think of it like us keeping a photograph of the person or persons we love by our nightstand—meaningful.

Pay close attention and you’ll discover your answer of what you’re looking for them to do. They aren’t just pestering you to go in and out, more times than not, they just want you to go outside with them!

Remember dogs will be dogs. They just want to please you. You just have to show them how. Demonstrate what behavior you want.

man dog leash before walk

More Fun & Entertainment

Just for fun, you can bake a sticky treat or tuna snack for your cat. Blend up safe dogeritas or make yummy, homemade dog safe ingredient ice cream in warmer weather! Freeze and stuff their favorite dispensing toy each week. And, when they’ve had more exercise time than normal, treat your pal to a spa-like pet massage in order to ease and comfort their tired muscles.

Enjoy the humorous, rambunctious behaviors that your dog does. Make a conscious effort to pause and enjoy your dog—right when the moment happens. We all have a ton on our minds these days, but try to remember that exact moment in time as it occurs.

When your dog jumps up and down to see you when you’re home from a long day at work, remember all the hysterical tries of training the word “off.” The training process is what matters. Don’t strictly strive for success. Encourage desired behavior, but laugh when it doesn’t happen.

Sharpen your dog’s skills for small wins. Nobody’s perfect. Practice is perfection, even for your dog.

2. Live In The Moment

Remember to live like a dog.

Your furry friend only knows what’s happening at that given time. Their attention is now, then it’s gone. They don’t dwell on the past or anticipate the future. They reside in the present—with no expectations. They’re just happy now.

Learn new tricks, even if your dog is unsuccessful. The process is what matters. And timing. Laugh. Make mistakes together. Exercise patience. These moments are part of your forever memories. Dogs learn by conditioning and association. They respond with immediate reward. That’s why timing is critical, especially when they’re learning.

Dogs learn to live in every moment. Every. Single. Precious. Moment.

man dog hugging sofa

Play Games

Nothing is off limits when it comes to having more fun with your pet. Keep your pets occupied and happy with many fun things to do and lots of things to think about.

Constantly look for ways to provide healthy physical activity and mental stimulation. Pet puzzles and games can be effective in keeping your pet’s mind sharp throughout all stages of their life.
The Shell Game video

Homemade tunnels and obstacle courses and hide and seek sessions can be a wonderful way to live in the moment with your pet. Nose tricks and interactive mind games help your dog stay alert.

One on one attention, mental stimulation strategies, and reading books to your pets are just a few activities that you can do with your pet. Several pet care facilities add on “extras” like reading to their guests, blowing bubbles, or taking action videos.

Never, ever wish that your pet will slow down. Because, inevitably, they will.

Create Adventure: Live For Now

Whether it’s a new direction around the block or a curious sniff and walk together. Adding adventure to you and your pet’s life is worth the extra energy you will expend.

“Because of my dog, I started a small business, developing a program that incorporates dog exercise sessions. If I wouldn’t have made the time to exercise with my pup when he was 16 weeks old, I may have never started my dog yoga business.” —Sandy S.

Delight your pets and keep them happy.

No matter what age, you need to be willing to try new things and be innovative in your approach with your furry family member.

cute dog sitting with tongue out

Make A Pact To Try Something New

Socializing your pup early on can provide adequate activity and favorable stimulation that they need. Senior pets can also benefit from new training courses, tips, and tricks.

Dogs need their person(s), but they also benefit from being around other dogs.

Doggy Day Camp

Pet Hotels provide safe and healthy pet care for your furry friends.

From Doggy Day Camp back-to-school parties to cleaning up for doggy prom dates, your dog will appreciate the attention.

Seek out your local and trusted Pet Hotel to watch your pets while you’re out and about. Camp gives your dog a chance to meet new humans and dog pals. Dogs of all shapes, sizes, and ages enjoy carefully monitored playtime with dog pals. These Pet Professionals examine your pet’s age, size and temperament before even entering Camp’s play yard.

According to an article titled, “What You Should Know About The Stages of Grief” by Healthline, fond memories of our companion can fill the empty space left by the loss of a cherished pet. As you remember the pets who’ve passed through your life, please don’t forget the part of the relationship that included the best care you provided to them.

Expert boarding facilities or professional Pet Sitters can offer advice on pet care, socialization, training, play and stay plans too.</a. Discover local experts that know pet behavior and will assist you in finding the ideal play and/or stay environment for ALL your furry family members, including older Guests.

dog on floor with heart toy

3. Acceptance

Take all the time you need to heal. The healing journey is a marathon. Not a sprint. Grieving is an individual experience. It is normal and okay to grieve.

There’s no rush on getting over your dog. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s also never ‘just a dog.’ Your dog was yours. The unique relationship was between you and your dog alone.

You loved your dog in ways you alone understand. You don’t need to justify or explain this affection.

Your dog was important to you, and that’s all that matters.

In 1972, the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories established
Pet Memorial Day.

You’ll never really understand this pain until your pet’s quality of life diminishes and you find yourself holding on for dear life. Your dog will tell you when it’s time. As unusual as it sounds, ask your dog to tell you they’re ready. Then give them permission to let go, when it’s time.

“I struggled with the decision even on our ‘Rainbow Bridge’ day. My Veterinarian stood by my side and said, ‘You don’t have to make the decision—I’ll make the decision for you.’ I don’t know what I would’ve done without my Veterinarian’s strength. —Chris B.

Keep Both Past And Present Pets Front Of Mind.

Proactive actions often offer a tangible way to cope with the grief of losing a family member and give you the chance to share your memorials.

If you’re seeking a way to memorialize your pet, here are some ideas to consider:

  1. Don’t try to change your dog. Accept them just the way they are.
  2. Keep a journal of each day with your dog at Doggy Day Camp
  3. In honor of your admiration of your pet, author a book
  4. Devote your mission to helping other Pet Parents
  5. Surround and immerse yourself with animals
  6. Establish a powerful support system with like-minded individuals
  7. Get creative: Design a memorial tattoo or learn how to paint a portrait of your pet
  8. Write a poem, letter, or blog about your pet
  9. Take nothing for granted and organize a keepsake photo album well in advance
  10. Plant a flower, tree, or garden memorial dedicated to your pet
  11. Create a stepping stone with a paw print, and place it in a pet garden.
  12. Donate funds to a local shelter in honor of your pet’s name
  13. Volunteer playtime or foster pets most in need at a rescue organization
  14. Organize a volunteer group to go to local dog parks to clean up debris
  15. Help train new animals for rescue and recovery by donating time to your local police department or fire rescue canine unit in honor of your pet’s name
  16. Plan a fundraiser event for a worthy animal cause
  17. Consider creating your pet’s Social Media page and join relative groups such as “iheartseniordog” for community support and pet topics
  18. Find resources for interesting ways to make memories at home with your dog
  19. Seek out a career that revolves around the pet industry
  20. On September 13, include #NationalPetMemorialDay within your Social Media posts


Stay Prepared And Pre-Plan

All pets deserve dignity and respect for the end of their life. A final resting place should be a beautiful celebration of your pet’s life. Your pet’s sensitive needs must be treated with utmost respect and care.

Research beautiful memorial tributes across the nation and in your area. Make certain your selected memorial is a special place to visit your pet on a regular basis. Harperlawn Pet Memorial Gardens in Michigan is just one location that offers you and your pet peace and serenity on lush and sprawling grounds.

dog playing with human in grass

National Pet Memorial Day

National Pet Memorial Day is the second Sunday in September. The holiday offers us an opportunity to remember the pets who’ve passed through our lives. Observe #NationalPetMemorialDay in your own unique ways.

Children And Pets? Write A Letter To Your Children From Their Dog Angel:

  • Describe their first moments together
  • Reiterate that there’s room in their heart to love and care for another fur baby
  • Explain that their special angel dog will bring a new pet to them when they know they’re truly ready, no sooner
  • Let your kids know that their next dog will indeed pick them to love
  • Confirm that there will always be a permanent place in their hearts for your dog

Know When (Or If) You’re Ready For A New Pet

Recognize if you have enough love in your heart for other animals that come after your little buddy.

Try wrapping your arms around a new dog to connect with. However, if you’re not ready to care for another pet—or if there’s not a connection immediately—don’t force the healing process.

dog dad daughter

A new pet can bring a sense of joy and fresh starts to a family. They can’t replace the dog you lost, however, they might provide a hopeful beginning. In addition, this new furry member of your family could possibly give a renewed sense of responsibility for you, your children, and/or other grieving family members.

How To Keep Your Dog In Your Heart Forever

Our pets remain a fabric thread, woven into our heart strings.

While your home may be awfully quiet without the shuffle of paw prints or constant jingle of dog tags from the other room, your little buddy will never leave your heart.

Keep your dog in your heart—always. They would want you to be happy.


“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog…
You are his life, his love, his leader…
He will be yours faithful & true, to the last beat of his heart…
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion…
My Charlie boy”
💙 —Steve C.


When you lose a pet, take all the time you need to heal.

The healing journey is different for everyone. Take care of yourself, your children, and your other pets that you may have in your home. They need you too. Be strong, yet be gentle on yourself during this painful healing journey.

Healing could be about dedicating your life to the pet industry or expressing yourself with the newness of fostering a rescue animal or volunteering time at your local shelter. Please allow yourself permission for a new chapter in your life.

Most notable, while your dog—or dogs—are with you, live large. Celebrate every one of your pet’s birthdays. Capture memories. Laugh with each tail wag. Enjoy each precious moment.

It’s simple: Give your pets the best life they could ever ask for. Don’t wait. Do it now.

dog birthday party balloons party hat


On the second Sunday in September, National Pet Memorial Day offers a moment to remember pets who have passed.

Would you like to purchase a day of Camp for another dog in honor of their name?

Best Friends Pet Hotel offers themed parties and safe exercise for loads of fun. Camp benefits your dog’s physical and mental well-being. Current vaccinations are required for an interview. Book an appointment today.

Want to know more ways to create memories with your pet? VISIT: Best Friends Pet Hotel or call your local Best Friends Pet Hotel.



About The Author:

Christine A. Bournias resides in Michigan with her 2-pack; two new beautiful adopted miracles. As her “Angelwriter”, Nicodemus (1997-2010) is the wisdom behind the stories she shares. Christine champions the magnitude of building the bond between a dog and their person(s) by means of respectful communication and enduring admiration.

Keep Aging Pets Safe: 7 Signs To Watch For

By Christine A. Bournias

dog and cat resting on comforter


Your Pet Is Getting Old. Bite Your Tongue.

Your pet is having another birthday.

Each birthday celebration for your furry friend brings another year of joy into your life. Age also brings added responsibility for Pet Parents. As a responsible pet guardian, you need to watch for both physical and mental changes that can occur with your pet with each passing year.

Your pet’s everyday behaviors or habits can be telling signs of old age. Or, it can be a medical concern. At very least, aging signs are more reason to pay close attention to your pet’s good health and well-being.

The number one attribute that you can have as your pet ages is patience. If your pet begins to move slower and wants to sleep more than they want to play, be their advocate. And exercise lots of patience.

dog birthday party cake

7  Things To Watch Out For With Your Aging Pet

1. Bad Teeth & Breath

Look for dark or yellowing teeth. Plaque and food particles cause bad breath. Clean your pet’s teeth and brush their tongue on a regular basis. Proper dental hygiene early on can help eliminate foul breath and/or rotten chompers.

Dental Hygiene

Pets of all ages need good dental hygiene, but especially as they age. Getting your pet’s teeth professionally clean may be a wise investment. A younger animal may be able to recover more quickly than your elderly fur baby, as placing a senior pet under anesthesia often is risky.

Be certain to ask your trusted Veterinarian about regular cleaning procedures that would be ideal for your individual pet.

If your furry friend must go in for another unrelated procedure, you may consider getting their teeth cleaned at the same time of the surgery. That way, you’ll place less stress on your pet’s internal system.

dog teeth vet checkup

Teeth Cleaning Alternatives

A good old fashioned toothbrush, or even wiping their teeth with a toothy washcloth and homemade pet toothpaste in between cleanings can help prevent bad breath and decay.

Time and convenience is a common objective. Innovative teeth cleaning options are better than not cleaning them at all. Try placing toothpaste on a crunching treat. The crunch of the cookie with pet toothpaste can help clean the teeth with their chewing action.

Teeth Cleaning Products

Many Pet Parents look for alternative or supplement options when it comes to cleaning their pet’s teeth. There are many dental products on the market and you can feed your pet soft chews for older dogs and cats. The chews serve as a tasty treat and help with dental limitations. Always ask your Veterinarian for their recommendation first before you try something new.

dog with dog biscuit treat


Smaller dog breeds have increased dental problems. Develop a dental cleaning protocol with your Veterinarian team. By asking experienced pet experts, you can learn helpful tips on how to clean your little buddy’s teeth at home in between professional cleanings.

Pets dental hygiene is essential of any age—it’s a priority. As a responsible Pet Parent, be certain to make time for good dental health for your older furry friend.


2. Poor Eyesight & Loss of Hearing

Weakened Eyes

Look for cloudy eyes in aging pets. The eyes can be a telling sign of many age related health concerns.

The good news is, dogs don’t rely on their eyesight like humans do. Animals—especially dogs—have a heightened olfactory sense. Their nose is their navigation. Our pets rely mostly on smell, with their eyes being the least important. Their heightened senses arrive in this order:

  1. Nose
  2. Ears
  3. Eyes

Dogs have superior ways to see the world around them. With “predator” vision, they can see colors differently. They also see the world by movement and proprioception.

Be Your Pet’s Eyes

Avoid rearranging your furniture and be sure to train your pet early on with hand signals and associations. If you have other pets in the house, they can wear a little bell to help guide them to get around.

dog pug closeup

If your pet’s eyesight dims or their hearing diminishes, rest assured their other senses will kick in. In fact, dogs have the ability to sense their surroundings with a similar technique called echolocation . Echolocation in dogs works much like the same stunning ability as bats.


Special needs animals deserve loving homes too. Potential adopters tend to gravitate first towards cute, yet over-rambunctious dogs nine times out of ten. They ignore the really great ones. Our senior or blind/deaf animals are much easier to care for than typical animals that are viewed as “normal.” —N. Ahern. Hollow Creek Farm Equine and Canine Rescue

Blindness can strike at any age in pets. It can be the result of stress induced surgery, or even just one unfortunate diabetic seizure. Eye conditions are painful and can lead to more medical troubles in the future. Necessary eye removal surgery can be the kindest thing you can do for your furry friend. Animals don’t care about aesthetics like humans do. We put so much emphasis on appearance and impose our biases on our pets. Humans are the ones who invent these “poor me” stigmas. Animals don’t fret about their eyes or ears, they’re just as happy digging a hole in the dirt.

blind dog happyPhoto Credit: Hollow Creek Farm Equine and Canine Rescue


Senior Rescue animals need you the most. Old, large no eye dogs need homes too. Their eyes are just one part of the equation. Just because they’re older and blind, doesn’t mean they’re not


First symptoms of an ear infection are head shaking, scratching, and whining. If your pet’s ears have a bad smell or if you see dark coffee ground looking deposits in their ears, this could be signs of an infection. Eliminate a chance for more serious medical problems by consulting your Veterinarian right at the signs of discomfort. Early on, it’s wise to research a possible pet insurance plan that’s right for you.

If they can’t see or hear, there ARE ways to make it work. Don’t turn your back on your older family member. They need you as their caregiver more than ever.

All they really care about is pleasing you. Animals need love and socialization from their person more than they need their hearing or sight.


3. Mobility Difficulty: Legs & Limps

Does your pet feel frail and bony when you pick them up? Do they stagger while they walk? Is their gait different than they used to be?

Or, you might notice that your pet has trouble getting up. Freedom of movement could be a telltale sign of old age in your pets.

dog sleeping on hammock summer

As your pet ages, their bone structure is more brittle, their fur may shed more, and their muscles tend to atrophy. Nonetheless, they’re still your fur baby.

If you notice signs of your pet’s gait changing or if they can’t pick themselves up from the floor, it may be time to consider supplements for their joints and mobility.

Consult with your Veterinarian for medication or alternative healing remedies.

Honest Paws

CBD and the other beneficial cannabinoids found in the hemp plant work with the endocannabinoid system (ECS)—which all humans and animals possess. The ECS’s job is to promote balance in the body, making sure all major systems work together. If these ECS systems don’t promote adequate balance, phytocannabinoids (natural plant cannabinoids) work to connect to the ECS to help create a balanced state. Cannabinoids allow the body to self-heal.

beautiful cat sitting

Many Pet Parents rely on a variety of popular CBD (Cannabinoids) pet products .
Alternative product lines have different formulas to handle various conditions, including those that are common in with older animals:

  • Anxiety
  • Cracked paws
  • Fear of thunder and fireworks
  • Inconsistent sleep
  • Insect bites
  • Joint and mobility
  • Nervous licking
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Travel stress

dog laying on dog bed

Consult with a reputable Veterinarian and get regular check-ups. If you’re not able to get to your Veterinarian’s office, look for available and convenient
vaccination and wellness clinics that pop up in your area.

4. Appetite Loss: Nutrition & Medical Changes

When your pet ages, changes in appetite are common.

Your pet may experience food allergies and/or digestion sensitivities. Older pets might need more carbohydrates versus a higher protein percentage in their food or they may just want to eat a little less with temperature fluctuations.

Food Is Vital

What food you feed your pet is vital. And there’s a plethora of pet food brands to choose from. But your food selection comes down to what works for your budget, your pet’s unique needs, and your Veterinarian recommendations. I.e. Athletic or working dogs may need more protein to secure their muscle mass, but as they age, too much protein could tax their internal organs. Small, less active or older animals may have entirely different nutritional needs than larger breed counterparts.

Weight Fluctuations

Your pet’s body weight can fluctuate during all stages of their life. However, you’ll want to look for huge variances in weight. You’ll notice a big difference when you pick up or pet your furry friend. Extreme weight loss or gains could mean a visit to your Veterinarian’s office.
Too many treats can cause unhealthy gains too. Eating the wrong foods early in life can cause big problems later on. Although we love our pets, limit fatty food rewards or unhealthy human grade treats every time they perform a perfect “sit.”

dog looking over counter at cookies

Good nutrition and healthy fuel is vital, particularly when they age. Avoid the urge to feed your pets people food or table scraps and keep your pet away from common toxic foods, unknown food allergies, or potential pet danger.

You may already provide your pets with healthy and proper nutrition. But what about when your dog eats poop or likes to munch on blades of grass? If they’re having consistent stomach issues, these unappealing habits could be warning signs to medical concerns.

According to Dr. Martin Goldstein (Dr. Marty), pets could be at risk serious digestive problems. Talk to your Veterinarian about your pet’s eating habits and behaviors to determine if they may need a different diet or effective probiotic supplements.

cat eating cat food

Watch Out For Signs That Could Be Related To Food:

  • Thirst
  • Panting
  • Medical Changes
  • Fluctuation in weight
  • Excessive urination
  • Shredding
  • Dry, flaking skin

If you notice a huge loss of appetite or if your pet is sluggish or lethargic, seek medical assistance immediately. As your pet ages, it’s important to obtain a full panel of blood work. The kidney and liver organs are particularly ones to keep an eye on.

fat cat sitting and resting


senior dog

These Conditions Amplify In Senior Pets

●  Bleeding
●  Breathing
●  Choking
●  Cuts
●  Extreme Temperatures
●  Food and Allergies
●  Injuries (hot or cold, extreme or minor; sprains, tendons, ligaments, bones)
●  Insect Bites Or Stings
●  Poisonous Plants or Substances
●  Raw or Rough Paw Pads
●  Snake Bites
●  Sunburn
●  Safety tips

Be ready to respond to your older pet in the unfortunate event of an emergency. Keep an essential basic first aid or medical emergency kit and a copy of your pet’s medical records, vaccination records, and emergency phone numbers with you in the event of a life threatening health issue or when you plan to travel with your pet.

In addition, responsible Pet Parents have a pulse on the CDC animal guidelines on animal health and disease updates as they evolve.


5. Mental decline

Look for mental decline in your pet.

Pay attention to your pets and watch for mental decline. Do you find yourself repeating commands? Are they pulling to one side? Do they get lost more easily? Do they excessively repeat behaviors that previously came quickly to them? Are their activities of daily living becoming more difficult than usual?

dog standing

Like elderly humans, pets can get senile. “Old Dog Disease”, also known as Idiopathic or “Old Dog” Vestibular Disease, can mimic conditions of that of brain tumors or strokes. Tilted heads, falling over, circling in one direction, and/or mini seizures can be symptoms of a variety of diseases including Old Dog Disease.

dog resting

6. Exercise & Social Interaction

Your pet doesn’t come with an owners manual and every animal is different.

Is your pet becoming less interested in activities or that daily walk around the block? Disinterest in things that they usually love can be a sign that your pet needs your help. Maybe they could run circles around you or jump over tables before, but now they’re slowing down.

If you see your pet retracting or not coming when they’re called, observe them closely for other medical signs. If you’ve ruled out serious medical problems, perhaps you may want to include mental stimulation games in their playtime protocol.

Fun Games For Senior Pets

Delight your pets and keep them happy. No matter what age, you need to be willing to try new things and be innovative in your approach with your furry family member.
Pet puzzles and games can be effective in keeping your pets sharp throughout all stages of their life. Look for ways to provide healthy activity and mental stimulation.

Homemade tunnels and obstacle courses can work in a pinch. But don’t overload your pet in efforts to keep busy. Ten minutes of moderate exercise and mindful games and interactive tricks will suffice.

dog playing fun brain game

Socialize Senior Pets

Socializing your pup early on can provide adequate activity and favorable mental stimulation that they need. Senior pets can also benefit from new training courses or tips and tricks. Of course they need you, but they also benefit from being around other creatures like themselves.

dogs running and playing in grass

Playdates for dogs can be beneficial. Not all dogs play well together. In fact, they’re just as selective as humans when it comes to picking their furry friends.

If your dog is older, grumpy, or frail, they could be in pain and not want to deal with rambunctious dogs or young puppies. Ask your local Pet Hotel for customized boarding or individual pet care . Sometimes extra loving and attention from other pets and humans help your senior pet feel more special.

Keep your older pet occupied and happy with lots of fun things to do. Several pet care facilities add on “extras” like reading to their guests, blowing bubbles, or taking action videos.

Remember 10 minutes of mind games and tricks = 30 minute trot around the block.

Senior Pet Adventures

Get your pet out to enjoy the world—try new things and discover exciting adventures. Moderate, healthy exercise and Doggy Day Camp can keep your furry friends content and happy.

cups game treats for dogs

Designated pet care time for your “sugar face” can be a welcome surprise to your elderly pet. Senior pet care options can be convenient for both extended bouts of time or if you have to run quick errands. Seek out your local and trusted Pet Hotel to watch your older pets while you’re out and about.

When it’s safe to do so—and when the world is ready—a good way to bond with your gentle dog is to volunteer your time with your friendly friend. Research what it takes to become a support or certified therapy animal. Joyful home visits benefit older neighbors, assisted living facilities, and reading programs with children at public libraries.


7. Overstimulation & Heat Illness

Animals can get grouchy with old age.

Many things can affect your pet’s mood; weather, being cooped up, overstimulation, not enough exercise, or lack of socialization. Determine if there’s a serious medical problem by taking note of their state of mind and everyday behaviors.

Senior Pets And Too Much Human Time

tired old dog

As it turns out, hanging out with us humans can be too much for our extended fur family. Just like animals can be under-stimulated, overstimulation and fatigue can happen with our pets.

Even when family members respect their pet’s need for downtime, our pets have tremendous olfactory and hearing capabilities. The sounds of our everyday human conversations, loud children, a blaring television, or a scented candle can lead to undue stress, particularly in our older furry friends.

According to Jessica Pierce, a bioethicist and the Author of “Run, Spot, Run: The Ethics of Keeping Pets”, dogs need a break from their people from time to time to achieve emotional balance.

“Dogs can feel suffocated by us. In any home—especially a home with children—dogs need a safe zone or a quiet place where they can go if they need to chill out and not interact with anyone.” — Jessica Pierce “Run, Spot, Run: The Ethics of Keeping Pets”

Senior Pet Temperament

Maybe it’s time for your senior pet to experience a change of scenery?

Pet Hotels provide safe and healthy pet care for your furry friends. Pet professionals examine your pet’s age, size and temperament before entering Camp’s play yard. All pet’s playtime should be monitored closely to watch for signs of irritation or aggression.

two dogs hanging out in grass

Too much exercise can leave your aging pet exhausted. Be sure to allow your pet to stay at pet care facilities that knows the difference between unhealthy exhaustion and appropriate stimulation. The importance of rest has to be top priority.

Temperature Tolerance

Avoid exercising in extreme temperatures for your fur babies. Too much sun, heat, and humidity are dangerous for pets. Older animals have an even lower tolerance for extreme temperatures. Age is especially a concern when it comes to heat.

Your pets need frequent breaks from strenuous activities, especially in warmer temperatures. Extra summer tips help to keep your pets healthy.

Extreme temperatures (hot or cold) can affect your pet’s ability to keep their body’s internal core temperature regulated, particularly in the warm summer (or frigid winter) months. Refreshing water keeps your pet hydrated and replenished.

dog drinking water

Don’t leave your older pets outside for extended periods of hot weather and make sure your pet has access to shady spots to relax. Know the warning signs of heat exhaustion or overheating .


Senior Pets And Fun Age Specific Ideas

Keep your sugar face pet safe and happy this summer.

Pet Parent’s top priority and responsibility is their fur baby. Responsible Pet Parents look for signs of aging throughout all stages of their pet’s life. Natural signs of aging are common, however, others can be true medical warning signs. Senior or special needs pets look to us to be their advocate. Trust your Veterinarian for professional advice for your aging animal.

Expert boarding facilities or professional Pet Sitters can offer advice on pet care, socialization, training, play and stay plans too. . Discover local experts that know pet behavior and will assist you in finding the ideal play and/or stay environment for ALL your furry family members, including the old ones.

dogs playing outside with ball

If you own an older dog,

Best Friends Pet Hotel always accommodates our senior pet guests. With comfy beds, and plenty of love and patience, we welcome older dogs! Older pet guests are treated with the utmost care, monitored play yards, and expert trained staff. Themed parties and safe exercise are loads of fun and can benefit your older dog’s physical and mental well-being.

One on one attention, mental stimulation games, and reading books to your pets are just a few activities that can assist your aging pet. Current vaccinations are required for an interview. Book an appointment today.

dog and cat resting

Got a senior pet you’d like us to watch? Call your local Best Friends Pet Hotel.



About The Author:

Christine A. Bournias resides in Michigan with her 2-pack; two new beautiful adopted miracles. As her “Angelwriter”, Nicodemus (1997-2010) is the wisdom behind the stories she shares. Christine champions the magnitude of building the bond between a dog and their person(s) by means of respectful communication and enduring admiration.


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