Our centers are monitored with emergency response systems for heating, cooling, smoke, fire and security 24-hours a day. We do not have staff members on site overnight, except at our Walt Disney World location. Our team members are on site in the early morning to feed, walk, check on and do activities with the pets every day, (regardless of published customer-facing Center hours) and do not leave until after all of the pets have been fed, and let out for their evening activities. For the dogs to have a restful, relaxing stay, it’s critical that they are not disturbed overnight, and the presence of a staff member keeps the dogs awake and the dogs feeling more stressed as they are very sensitive to even the slightest noise.
Each of our pet care centers has a relationship with a highly reputable, local veterinary for emergency care. In the event of an true emergency, we will bring your pet to the closest high quality vet that we have a relationship with, otherwise we will do our best to bring your pet to your own vet on file with us if the matter is not urgent.