Privacy Policy
This Web site is the responsibility of Best Friends Pet Care, Inc. (“Best Friends Pet Care” or “we”). You can contact us by mail at Best Friends Pet Care, Inc., 535 Connecticut Ave, Suite 305 Norwalk, CT, 06854; by phone at (203) 750-5200; or by email.
Best Friends Pet Care has been in business since 1991. We understand how important your pets are to you, and we are committed to helping you get the advice and support that you need to take care of them. This Web site will supplement our many walk-in pet care centers by giving you 24/7 access to an even wider range of products and services.
What personal information do you accumulate about me when I visit your site?
When you visit this site, we anonymously log your IP & web browser info. If you got to this site by means of a link from another site, our logs will note the fact that you came to us from that linked site. We also will collect information that you voluntarily provide to us in any one of a number of ways. When you register for this site, we ask you for personal information such as the number and type of pets in your household, and what, if any, information you would like us to send you. You also may provide personal information when you respond to surveys, or submit contest entries. If you run a search on our search engine, we won’t record any information that identifies you or links you to the search you ran. We do, however, record certain limited information with respect to every search that is run on our search engine, and we use that information to solve technical problems and to calculate overall usage statistics.
Do you use cookies?
We do use “cookie” technology. The cookie will reside on your hard drive, not ours, and only our server will be able to read it. When you come back to this site, we will recognize you by the cookie and we will customize your experience accordingly. You may delete your cookie anytime by clicking on “log out”.
Do you disclose personal data to third parties?
No. Best Friends Pet Care does not sell, rent or share any of the information collected online from our customers or non-customer visitors.
How do you use the personal data that you collect?
We only use your personal information to send you the newsletter and other information you’ve explicitly requested. We use the demographic information, such as the number of pets in your household to compile internal reports and to compare the people who are visiting our site to the people who use our pet care centers. Some or all of this information also may be used internally to assess our site’s content and layout.
Might you collect personal data from my child?
Best Friends Pet Care will not collect or post information from children under the age of sixteen (“children”) without their parent’s or guardian’s consent. We do not provide any personally identifying information that we collect from children, regardless of its source, to any third party for any purpose whatsoever. When someone who identifies himself or herself as a child submits information to our Web site, we will respond by asking them to provide us with the street address or e-mail address of a parent or guardian, so that we can send that person an e-mail alerting him/her to the child’s registration and providing instructions on how s/he can delete the child’s registration, if s/he wishes to do so. [although children are allowed to participate in our contests, if a child wins, notification and prizes are sent to the parent or guardian identified in the initial registration process] We don’t use any information collected from children for any marketing or promotional purpose whatsoever, either inside or outside Best Friends. Best Friends encourages parents and guardians to spend time on our site with their children.
How will I know if this policy changes?
We reserve the right to change this policy at any time by telling you that we’ve done so and where to find the new or revised privacy policy. We also reserve the right to contact site visitors regarding account status and changes to the privacy policy, subscriber agreement, or any other policies or agreements that we think are relevant to you, as well as about the status of your account.