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Top 7 Cat Needs

Often referred to as “finicky felines” our cat’s needs are sometimes a bit of a mystery. They let us know when they are hungry, when they want to play and when they want to be left alone. But, what do cats really need? With the help of our Veterinary Expert and Consultant, Dr. Sharon Davis, DVM we would like to share our list of the Top 7 Cat Needs.

1. Food and Water (of course!)

Every cat needs proper nutrition and access to fresh water daily. Nutritional needs of your cat depends on its life stage and any underlying medical conditions. Work with your veterinarian to
ensure your cat is getting the proper nutrition.

2. A Safe Place

Cats need a safe place to hide and destress if needed. A stressed cat can lead to urination in inappropriate places and over self grooming. It doesn’t have to be any place fancy. Some cats
just prefer a simple cardboard box. It is important that this is their space where they won’t feel intruded upon by the dogs or small humans.

3. Play Time with You

Cats need some engagement with their owners. It can be chasing a laser pointer or a stuffed mouse. Some cats can even learn to fetch. This is important bonding time for you and your cat as well as it allows your cat to get some exercise.

4. Alone Play Time

Just as kids needs some alone play time, so do cats. Cats are naturally curious and giving them some alone time allows them the freedom of mental stimulation and to do as they choose. Who are we kidding cats always do what they want!

5. Veterinary Care

Lots of people feel cats are low maintenance and therefore don’t require routine veterinary care. But proper proactive veterinary care is essential to preventing and catching illness early, ensuring you have many more healthy, active years with your furry friend.

6. A Scratching Post

Start early directing your cat where you would like him or her to scratch. This can be done by putting some cat nip in this area. Providing an approved scratching post, or comparable scratch toy/box, can prevent unwanted destruction of furniture later.

7. A Clean Litter Box

It is important to provide clean liter boxes for your cat to use for elimination. Some cats will choose to eliminate outside of the box if it is too dirty so it is important to periodically scoop them. A good rule of thumb is to have one more liter box than the number of cats that live in the home. So if you have 3 cats, you should have 4 liter boxes.

Your cat may lead a life of mystery, but certainly has seven basic needs. When these needs are met, you both can enjoy a happy life together.


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